Unbearable by Jens Galschiøt

Unbearable - 2015

Unbearable is a shared project between Danish Artist Jens Galschiøt and the WWF. The visually striking sculpture serves as a powerful symbol of how human activities impact the global climate and seeks to remind the public of its responsibility towards future generations.

The life-sized copper polar bear is impaled on an oil pipeline, configured to resemble a graph illustrating the cumulative global carbon emissions from fossil fuels since the year 0.

The graph extends horizontally on the ground for 17 meters, then sharply ascends around the year 1850 when human consumption of fossil fuels such as coal and oil surged. The graph end at the year 2015, elevated five meters above the ground, impaling the polar bear.



Happenings with Unbearable


Thoughts on Unbearable

Galschiøts work

