

Here you will find an overview of different materials from Galschiøt

Free e-books

We have decided to publish some of our art books (DK) and a collection of documents (GB and CN) from Tiananmen Square 1989 as free ebooks. They are in PDF format suitable for e-paper, e-book readers like Amazon Kindle, iPhone, Opus, Sony, Apple etc.

A Picture is worth a 1.000 words
Hd Photos

"A picture says more than a 1,000 words", is an old saying, I think a work of art does too!

I am often contacted by organizations, journalists, debaters, enthusiasts, researchers, writers etc. from around the world who ask, if they can use pictures of my sculptures to illustrate their written words or as a symbol on a debate, they want to raise. Sometimes in countries where the word is not free and where works of art can instead be used as a symbol on something that is illegal to put into words.

And because pictures and works of art are worth a 1000 words, I hereby give my works of art free so that they can speak for themselves. All images of my artwork can thus be downloaded and used freely for all non-commercial purposes without copyright.