Galschiøts website



Jens Galschiøt is a Danish artist whose expression ranges from figurines to giant politically charged sculptures.
He creates international events to wreak the current imbalance in the world from Hong Kong and Mexico to Europe and the United States.



10. Mar. - 14. Mar.

31. Mar. - 4. Apr.

21. Apr. - 25. Apr.

12. May. - 16. May.

9. Jun. - 13. Jun.

12. Jun. - 15. Jun.

18. Aug. - 22. Aug.

8. Sep. - 12. Sep.

29. Sep. - 3. Oct.

20. Oct. - 24. Oct.

10. Nov. - 14. Nov.

24. Nov. - 28. Nov.

News from Galschiøt

Explore Galschiøts universe

Use the digital map below to click around and see where Galschiøt have, and still are, exhibiting his sculptures all around the world.
