Galschiøts website
10. Mar. - 14. Mar.
31. Mar. - 4. Apr.
21. Apr. - 25. Apr.
12. May. - 16. May.
9. Jun. - 13. Jun.
12. Jun. - 15. Jun.
18. Aug. - 22. Aug.
8. Sep. - 12. Sep.
29. Sep. - 3. Oct.
20. Oct. - 24. Oct.
10. Nov. - 14. Nov.
24. Nov. - 28. Nov.
Use the digital map below to click around and see where Galschiøt have, and still are, exhibiting his sculptures all around the world.
Sofus Markus, psykoterapeut i Odense C
Galleri Galschiøt - Banevænget 22, 5270 Odense, Danmark, Mail: , Tlf: +45 66184058